Measures against skin blemishes

Skin blemishes are in the lead when skin problems that women contend with most of the time are the matter. Some of us have innate skin blemishes while some of us confront with this blemishes at adulthood due to various reasons. Unfortunately finding solutions to blemishes requires lots of time and patience. Therefore, we want to tell you what to do before blemishes are formed, rather than solutions after blemishes are formed.
Naturally, we need to explore the root of the issue. Skin blemishes can be identified as brownish spots take place in faces, necks, double-chins, hands and legs of women in punctate shape and darker than skin tone. These blemishes come up especially on the nose and cheeks in the face. Colloquially called sun spots are also considered as skin blemishes.
So why do these skin blemishes come out? First you have to become familiar with the notion of pigment melanin which gives color to the skin. We have got special cells in our skins that produces melanin, protects it and scatters it around the skin surface homogeneously. The younger and healthier these cells are, the more they are successful in producing melanin. In other words, if these cells fulfill their duty adequately, skin has homogenous and beautiful color distribution that much.
But when our skin is damaged because of some factors, these cells become nondurable. Weak cells produce erratic melanin and over-produced melanin shows itself as blemish on the skin surface.
We already said that the solution requires little patience. One of the methods comes to the mind is covering blemishes with cosmetics; though, we should forget that cosmetics are not skin-friendly products. Thus, we need to take actions to prevent and annihilate blemishes rather than covering them.
When it comes to what kind of measures we need to take, we should efficiently protect our beautiful cells which gives health shine and color to our skin by producing melanin. To do that, we need to make a habit of daily sun cream usage, not only in summer but anytime. Because even though there are other factors harm to melanin such as hormones, some medicines and genetic; the biggest trigger is the sun according to experts. The existence of skin blemishes is an indicator of that your skin exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays.
What do we need to do if we already have skin blemishes? First of all, we never toss caution to the wind and we continue to keep away from chemicals, protecting ourselves from harmful rays of sun and choosing cosmetics product carefully. Afterwards, we should fortify and renew our cells. We should use antioxidant including products in order to protect skin cells since antioxidant both act as a barrier against external harms and both increases the endurance of the cell. In addition to this, vitamin E and vitamin C are our biggest weapon in dealing with blemishes. These vitamins are quite effective in ultraviolet protection and support cell renewal. This is the point where we need to be patient. Vitamins take place in some natural oils and can be added to products are helpful in cell renewal but they must be used regularly and constantly. The best decision is to choose right product for once, add it up to skin care routine and using that product pertinaciously.
LuxyBio offers the most powerful product about skin blemishes. LuxyBio rose oil directly contains vitamin E for your beauty. Vitamin C need of your skin is met by rose hip oil including in it. This precious oil is pretty rich in terms of vitamin C and strengthen your skin thanks to antioxidant feature of it. Besides these substances, by means of organic rose oils and other precious herbal oils LuxyBio establishes a comprehensive defense system and protects your skin meticulously and keeps it healthy.