Causes, Trails and Solutions

Acne is one of the greatest foes of our skin. Such that from the beginning of adolescence era to 30s it might be problematic. This being the case, it is a necessity to get to know acnes thoroughly, to know causes and look for solutions to deal with acnes.
So how come can our skin be filled with acnes, blackspots or white spots called comedo?
Our skin has porous structure and under these pores wens take place. Wens release a liquid named sebum and it is okay if the sebum level is what it is supposed to be. However, sebum level may increase owing to numerous reasons. The task of sebum is to uprise dead tissues under the skin. In the case of higher rate of sebum, it congests the pores and dead tissues cannot be displaced which causes skin to be oiled. At the end of these processes, unexpected skin problems arise.
If pores congest under the skin white spots appear whereas it becomes blackheads if they congest top of the skin. Acne comes in sight when pore walls open up and sebum moves onward together with dead tissues to the certain point.
When it comes to reasons of the increase of sebum, it doesn’t occur out of the blue for sure.
Is acne really a serious threat? No it is not. Maybe it does not threaten general body health but contaminates skin beauty, a bad source of bacteria and can leave traces on the skin if measures are not taken. The main reason of the existence of gigantic acne industry towards acne problems is undesirable consequences of acnes in the long term. Finding solutions about traces left by acnes becomes problem as well as struggling with acne itself.
Now let’s talk about solutions. First of all, each of every skin is different but it is obliged to balance sebum, stay away from chemicals which congest pores, keeping our skin clean and destroy bad bacteria in order to contend with acne.
It may sound as if there are so much thing to do but there is a miraculous plant that helps you out in this issue: “Lavender”. Beginning from ancient eras, lavender has always been the most common plant used for skin in the world but that is another story. Now we are going to tell you why lavender is so effective upon acne.
Lavender is known as antibacterial which means it has capability of extinguishing all bad bacteria cause acne. We are grateful to microbiologists for this information.
When we destroy bacteria we are not done as just said. Fortunately, lavenders have different forms and LuxyBio has the naturel form of it. We need to use lavender soap for cleaning out pores and exterminating dead skin, Lavender water as tonic for preventing sebum to go out of pores and lastly lavender oil to moisten our skin.
There are two points that we want to underline:
- Oily skin does not necessarily mean the skin does not need moisture. Contrariwise, it should be moistened very well.
- Oils are going to be used for skin should be chosen carefully. If you try to moisten with unabsorbable oil, it will congest your pores and you cannot get rid of acnes.
For these reasons, oil from of lavender is a good moisturizer because it does not remain as layer on the skin surface and does not congest skin pores.
There is one more solution for acne: a medicine which has an active substance of isotretinoin and equivalents of it. Once again, it is last hope because this medicine must be taken regularly for months only under the doctor control and by regularly giving blood. Because of side effects, it should be used extremely carefully and does not ensure %100 success.
There is one thing we got to accept, skin care is not something we should period by period, rather it is lifelong routine. We should clean our skin regularly, moisten regularly, consume healthy foods and consume enough water. To head towards natural products is not a preference but almost an obligation. Nobody wants to use products day & night full of chemicals which touch our body. Lavender water, lavender soap and lavender oil is important herein. No matter whether you are suffering from acne or not, we should keep sebum amount at equilibrium, clean our pores and moisten our skin all the time.